Your Privacy Rights
Your privacy is important!
Once you have placed an online order, we will use your information for one purpose only - to process your order. We will not contact you again unless you ask us to - guaranteed. We will not mail you anything, email you, call you or visit you. Your privacy is important to us and we guard it as tightly as you would.But we seem to ask for some information. Why do we?
Name: So we know who to ship to. Somewhat important.
Address: So we know where the order should end up. Very important.
Email address: So you can receive an order confirmation when you place the order and so we can update you with a tracking number when the order ships. If you don't want either, just make up a fake email address.
Phone number: We frankly don't need it, but FedEx and UPS require it when we process a shipment through them. They like to call you in case they get lost, in case a little poodle is blocking their way or if they will be late for some reason. If you don't need them calling you, just enter the phone number of a local pizza place or your neighbor.